Roots to Renewals
My second Soltara Ayahausca retreat (Tony’s third) has been transformative, leaving me with a deeper sense of inner peace, spiritual connection & purpose. I've gained a fresh appreciation for my parents and family, let go of past resentments, feeling a true forgiveness of others and self and more compassion for others. And a closer connection with my hubby!
some key moments:
“Why did you go back?” A question I hear often. But it’s the same reason we keep going to the gym or to church—to grow deeper, to become better, and to strengthen our connection to God.
the medicinal flower bath is a ancient Shipibo tradition going back hundreds of years, one of the many steps taken to cleanse prior to Ayahuasca ceremonies
Spent a week living in a treehouse—no WiFi, solar-powered, with water from nearby waterfalls and a creek. It was an adventure all on its own!
our Maestro blessing the handmade cloth (made by his sister), infusing it with prayers, intention, and the energy of their sacred traditions. the cloth representing a connection to nature, spirit, and the wisdom passed down through generations.
Forever grateful for the lessons, healing, and connection this week brought. The ceremonies may have ended, but the transformation continues.