Brigitte’s Blog
Brain Food (aka my FAV books)
Reading develops the mind. The mind is a muscle. The more you read, the more you understand, the more the grow, the more aligned you are with your purpose.
Healthy Alcohol
One of the most common questions about a Healthy Lifestyle is whether alcohol is OK. I also hear, “What’s the healthiest alcohol?” and “How do I cure my hangover?” What we’re really asking is, “What should I drink when I am trying to stay healthy, but want to be social?”
My Morning MoJo
It’s recommended that you drink greens every morning before breakfast when your stomach is empty. This way, the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals will be better absorbed.
Why Hot Lemon Water
Strengthen and Purify your body with hot lemon water... Lemon is a natural antiseptic, which cleanses bacteria, impurities and even decomposed tissue from your lymphatic system.
My Ayahuasca Experience - Part II
Many keep asking my Ayahuasca experience … unfortunately, I’ve integrated back into work and life too quickly but overall my transition back home is overall going smoothly. I should have taken more time to my self to write, reflect, rest and sleep.
I felt a call to Ayahuasca for the last 11 years, after my first ceremony, I understood why. Being here with my husband, I understand why I was led to wait. To have this experience together has been life changing for each of us individually, as a couple and has changed the trajectory of our family in so many ways.
Baking Soda + Salt Bath Benefits
Traveling can be exhausting, especially air travel. After a flight, two great ways to relax, recover and support your body are to dry brush and take an Epsom salt bath.
25 Healthy Habits
It’s never too late to start living well. There are habits you can start doing that will help you become the healthiest version of yourself. The key to making your life healthier is to take your healthy life journey one step at a time. And daily consistent habits.
Grilled Cheese Secret Ingredient
Grilled Cheese is everyone’s favorite, right?! There are so many variables that go into making the “perfect” grilled cheese and believe it or not, there’s a secret ingredient that I use that may surprise you.
Fall in Love....
Fall in love with someone who knows your soul. Fall in love with someone who adores you. Fall in love with someone who loves you just the way you are.
L-Glutamine Benefits
Have you heard about the incredible health benefits of L-glutamine? First used in powder form by people in the fitness industry (including bodybuilders) who were looking to preserve muscle tissue, L-glutamine (also called glutamine) is an amino acid that is a building block of protein and needed by your body in large amounts.
Eczema and Gut Health
Ever since my son struggled with eczema and seeing how it caused him great discomfort, I have become more mindful of nutrition, skincare and overall holistic living. Living with eczema can be a daily struggle and the slightest change in diet, lifestyle, weather, product or stress can cause it to flare up in an instant.
Let's Talk Digestive Enzymes
Let’s talk digestive enzymes. If you’ve been out with me, to any meal, the last 18 years, you’ll see me pop one after I eat.
“Who was that person?”
Do you look back at the person you were a year ago, two years ago, five years ago and think to yourself.... “Who was that person?” You have evolved so much you barely recognize the old you anymore.
Coffee vs Matcha
Team Coffee or Team Matcha? I’m both but more in love with matcha. Both are great energy boosters, enhance mental focus, but some info so you can decide.
Let’s chat about your bedroom...
Your bedroom should be a place of rest, romance, and relaxation...nothing else. Since we spend about eight hours a day in this sacred space, maximize its feng shui to its fullest potential.