For me, fasting is a time of solitude, prayer, peace and clarity. You have heard me share a lot about Cleansing over the years but fasting is different.
Fasting is a form of worship. The purpose of fasting isn’t to suffer but to improve our thoughts, words, to bring mental clarity. Fasting is always partnered with increased prayer and meditation. Through some of the most challenging times in my life the last 16 years, fasting has been a time of renewed faith and peace. Fasting builds awareness, creates a stronger sense of connection to God and a way to liberate yourself from what you think you need.
Fasting also has positive effects on your liver, immune system, heart, and brain, as well as your body's ability to fight cancer and neurogenesis (I’ve been learning more and more about brain health the last 2 years since my head injury).
As we approach a shift in our political, medical, travel, school and work systems, as we live in this time of transition and recession, I invite you to join me in prayer and fasting. Whether you want to give up social media or foods all together, it’s your intention and desires of your heart that matters. Dedicate the time normally spent eating to prayer and meditation. Journal what you are feeling and what you feel God is saying to you during this time. Fasting is powerful and I believe God’s ‘not so secret’ weapon.