Brigitte’s Blog
Brain Food (aka my FAV books)
Reading develops the mind. The mind is a muscle. The more you read, the more you understand, the more the grow, the more aligned you are with your purpose.
25 Healthy Habits
It’s never too late to start living well. There are habits you can start doing that will help you become the healthiest version of yourself. The key to making your life healthier is to take your healthy life journey one step at a time. And daily consistent habits.
Fall in Love....
Fall in love with someone who knows your soul. Fall in love with someone who adores you. Fall in love with someone who loves you just the way you are.
“Who was that person?”
Do you look back at the person you were a year ago, two years ago, five years ago and think to yourself.... “Who was that person?” You have evolved so much you barely recognize the old you anymore.
Let’s chat about your bedroom...
Your bedroom should be a place of rest, romance, and relaxation...nothing else. Since we spend about eight hours a day in this sacred space, maximize its feng shui to its fullest potential.
Create time and space to reflect, reset and recharge
Create time and space to reflect, reset and recharge. Today, Reflect on the relationships and friendships you have experienced. Each person in our life is a blessing or curse, every relationship and friendship is an asset or liability and some of the problems we actually face are from the people we embrace.
Keep those used coffee grinds!
Coffee is an excellent exfoliator and helps stimulate blood flow, reduces acne and even cellulite and stretch marks. And plus, we know, those "dimples" happen to the best of us. Of course, nutrition and exercise will help reduce it but this is a DIY is great for your face but also helps to reduce the appearance of cellutite as well !
The Truth Seeker in each of us
There’s never been a more important season to look after our mental health and personal peace than right now.
The day I became free of implants
Aug 3, 2021, the day I became Free of Implants. Breast Implants: My perspective. My message to you.
Discovering your own Success & Happiness
You will feel unsettled because you know you’re meant for more. I’m in a phase (again!) where God is pulling on my heartstrings, pushing me out of my comfort zone, peeling back many more layers. But, Success and Happiness is relative.
8 Houseplants that can benefit your health
If you have ever shopped for houseplants, you would probably admit to prioritizing the way they look and what the maintenance requirements are before deciding on which one to bring home. These are obvious things to consider, but there’s one more important aspect we tend to forget when looking for an ideal houseplant: their health benefits.
My Favorite Books!
Reading develops the mind. The mind is a muscle. The more you read, the more you understand, the more the grow, the more aligned you are with your purpose.
Simple things to make the world a better place
When I’m in public, one of my missions is to make people around me smile and bring peace, hope, laughter into their lives. It’s brings me so much joy. Whether it’s a restaurant, gym, even a gas station, I leave having new friends and want them feeling their best self.
Are you Burned Out ?
People who are struggling to cope with workplace stress may place themselves at high risk of burnout. Burnout can leave people feeling exhausted, empty, and unable to cope with the demands of life. Burnout can be accompanied by a variety of mental and physical health symptoms as well. If left unaddressed, burnout can make it difficult for an individual to function well in their daily life.
It’s time to share your SELF with the world.
It’s time to share your SELF with the world. It’s scary. Some people will judge you. There will always be people who judge because there are always opinions, but it is truly their issue not yours. It is their projection, their fear, their insecurity, their jealousy, their judgment, their sadness, their depression, their anger, their filter.
How to Listen to God's Voice
Today, listen to Gods voice directly and not rely solely on what someone else has to say.
How to Become More Mindful in Your Everyday Life
The practice of mindfulness—directing all of your attention and awareness to the present—can bring many benefits to your emotional and physical health, as well as to the relationships in your life.
How Alcohol Affects Your Immune System and How To Bounce Back
Alcohol affects your whole body — from dehydration to inflammation, in your gut to your organs.
Breakfast, Eat This, Not That
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because what you eat (or don’t eat) will play a huge part in how you feel the rest of the day. Yes, that ONE meal in the morning will affect your mood, blood sugar, hunger, and food choices for the rest of the day!