It’s time to share your SELF with the world.

It’s time to share your SELF with the world.

It’s scary. Some people will judge you. There will always be people who judge because there are always opinions, but it is truly their issue not yours. ⁣It is their projection, their fear, their insecurity, their jealousy, their judgment, their sadness, their depression, their anger, their filter.

Not yours.

If you stop every time someone has a judgment with something you do, you will never get far enough to experience your own happiness.

The ego will make it about you but the truth is, it's never about you. You are gifted with a specific personality that allows you to share in a unique way. It's about your message, your words, your inspiration, your service to the planet.⁣

It’s so important to stay connected to your heart and soul. You are a vessel and you are a channel.

This is about your voice, your purpose and your complete acceptance of your entire being.

Begin to treat each day as a new adventure. Be bold and live out loud. Be bold and speak out loud. Remember, the Pharisees weren’t afraid what Jesus would DO but what he would SAY.


Are you Burned Out ?


Aloe There!