Let's Talk Digestive Enzymes

Let’s talk digestive enzymes. If you’ve been out with me, to any meal, the last 18 years, you’ll see me pop one after I eat.

So what do these digestive enzymes actually do?
Basically, they help break down your food so your body can get to the nutrients.

Your pancreas actually makes a lot of digestive enzymes naturally, especially for the digestion of food in your small intestine. The majority of food you digest happens in the small intestine, therefore, the small intestine is literally where the party is at for digestion. 

You can prevent digestive issues with healthy foods, drinking plenty of water, reducing fried foods and alcohol, exercise, and stress management. AND taking digestive enzymes after your meal is a game changer.

Plus, taking digestive enzymes in between meals on an empty stomach, stimulates your immune system, manages arthritis, reduces inflammation, improves your liver health, fights cancer, and a ton more.


Eczema and Gut Health


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