“Who was that person?”

Do you look back at the person you were a year ago, two years ago, five years ago and think to yourself.... “Who was that person?”

You have evolved so much you barely recognize the old you anymore.  Many of you have experienced life-altering changes, however even if you didn’t, you probably felt the seismic energetic shifts that are occurring on the planet. 

You feel it on a visceral level, as the energy shifts it's having a huge impact on you physically. And you feel it emotionally as well. Your perspective changed on many aspects of life, and this change was so thorough that you may not even realize it – you may have so fully let go of the old beliefs that you don’t remember having held them. 

The process has been one of pushing all that no longer serves us to the surface, and then clearing it out to make way for that which is built on a solid foundation. 

This is true on the personal level, and on the planetary level. Look at your own life, and take a note of all that is happening around the globe. 

These are exciting and fascinating times we are moving through. Enjoy being alive and experience this Shift. You are participating in it, and the more conscious you are of that, the more you will be able to effectively contribute to this process. 

We are individually and collectively creating our world. Doesn’t get more exciting than that. 


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