Create time and space to reflect, reset and recharge

Create time and space to reflect, reset and recharge. Today, Reflect on the relationships and friendships you have experienced.

Each person in our life is a blessing or curse, every relationship and friendship is an asset or liability and some of the problems we actually face are from the people we embrace.

Make a list of every person in your life. Do they add value? Or do they drain you? Do you affirm their love? Or do they leave you feeling insecure and questioning your self? Do you align with them spiritually, professionally, socially & relationally?

As you meet people in your journey, you will discover that everyone in your life is a mirror reflection of yourself.  As you evolve, some friendships will begin to dissolve and new friendships are made. When you are attracted to the positive qualities in another person, those same traits you are identifying are within your higher self, or your soul. Once you see yourself in others, you will find it easier to understand who you are.

All of that said, I’m super Grateful for the relationships and friendships created in my journey and the people in my life ! 

“…perseverance and patient endurance, so that you will continue to do God’s will, and you will receive all that he has promised”  Hebrews 10:36


Let’s chat about your bedroom...


Keep those used coffee grinds!