Brigitte’s Blog
15 Incredible Immune Boosting Foods
As our defense system that helps protect us from illness and disease, the immune system serves a very important function in the body. The immune system is made up of organs, tissues, proteins and trillions of cells through the body.
How Alcohol Affects Your Immune System and How To Bounce Back
Alcohol affects your whole body — from dehydration to inflammation, in your gut to your organs.
5 Ways Coffee Helps You to Lose Weight
Good news coffee lovers – coffee may help you to lose weight and help you to reach your fitness goals quicker!
Breakfast, Eat This, Not That
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because what you eat (or don’t eat) will play a huge part in how you feel the rest of the day. Yes, that ONE meal in the morning will affect your mood, blood sugar, hunger, and food choices for the rest of the day!
16 Ways To Burn More Calories – Without The Gym!
First let me start by saying, I personally love the gym and I think it can be a great addition to your daily life for many reasons, but it is way more important to be active during the day rather than to save all of your energy for a 45-60 minute workout. I’d rather them be more active throughout the day then go to the gym.