The day I became free of implants

Aug 3, 2021, the day I became Free of Implants. Breast Implants: My perspective. My message to you. 

I implanted Mentor Saline 500cc in Feb 2008, I’ve never had any complications, but over the last 2 years, I felt led to consider having them removed.  As simple as I can say it, I was convicted of it, I felt it was an energy block and it simply wasn’t “me".  And personally, I don’t want to be 95 years old with implants. In my 2 year research of Explanting, I also learned about Breast Implant Illness (BII),  a term created by a large group of women who, over the last 50 years, have become ill after undergoing breast augmentation. Thousands of women around the world have reported life limiting symptoms leading them to remove implants to reclaim their life back.  I understand there is a debate in the medical community and there is skepticism about this condition but lets face the fact, we implanted foreign objects in our bodies.

In regards to BII symptoms, they vary from woman to woman but they are all related to an auto inflammatory response to a foreign object in our body which leads to autoimmune disorders and even cancer if not properly addressed in time.

In the 13 years I had implants, I never developed symptoms related with BII so my decision to explant was simply a God led, intuitive, spiritual decision. Even at 45 years old, I am still learning, exploring and growing to fully and deeply embody unconditional love towards my self. To be the woman God has created me to be.

Over the last 3 years, I’ve been going through some intense deep cleaning .. professionally, relationally, spiritually, physically and emotionally.  An assault accident with a serious head injury provoked this.  I’ve learned moreso to fully trust the wisdom and guidance of my intuition. I began to feel like breast implants didn’t belong in my body and mentally, emotionally, and even physically, they became heavier and heavier.

I don’t feel I’m a victim of the breast implant industry.  I had an amazing surgeon for implants as well as the explant; he understood my real need behind my desire in doing both. It was my choice and I trust the wisdom of my Soul taking me through this journey. I’m learning from it, it’s giving me profound insights and I’m grateful for the opportunity that it’s giving me to love myself in a deeper level and more authentic way.

As an advocate for women’s health, I feel the responsibility to share my story and with the intention to raise awareness of having foreign objects in your body.

To the women, your journey is also mine. It's not the size or the shape of our breasts that makes us suffer but the conditioning and limiting belief that we are not good enough to be loved in our natural state. It’s not easy, especially with social media, photos edits and APPs in todays world. And Self Love is viewed as selfish. You deserve Liberation. I’m here walking with you, supporting you and always cheering you on.

To the medical community, thank you for the magnificent service you offer to humanity, especially in these unprecedented times. To the plastic surgeons listening to women who are choosing to explant, thank you for your integrity.

This is just my story and I understand that it will not resonate with everyone. My highest intention is to inform women about the potential risk of having breast implants, support them on their healing journey back into their power, self love and most of all, my biggest lesson to you, trust your Intuition.




Healing Turmeric Chicken Soup